8th June 2023: Painting and Electrical work done…Gypsum ceiling is our next project…
Good evening everyone, hope you and your families are as blessed as we are…We are forever grateful to you, all our partners who have walked with us this far…never giving up not even things are as hard as it can get…
We have just finished with the Painting in the Boys’ and Girls’ Dormitory, Kitchen and Dining Hall, Bathing cubicles and the washrooms. We have just done what we had to do, on all the areas that needed repainting. As we had indicated in our previous updates on the issue of painting, things were particularly out of hand.
We have also finished with the electrical work, the re-wiring and re-installations of new lights, power plugs and sockets are now all done with, as you can see in the attached videos below.
We now move on to another project that we had aspired to work on, the installations of the dry walls (Gypsum) ceilings, we had highlighted this on our last updates and we are already on it. We will be receiving some materials tomorrow morning to start off the project.
We still need $2500 to help us do this, for the wooden frames that has to be fitted, the top strappings and frames, gypsum boards, gypsum and any other material to help us do this, included in the amount is also the labour cost. Help us do this, we cannot accomplish anything without your support.
Another thing that we need to do is to get an extra solar panel, we had also highlighted this on our earlier updates. We now need this one panel – 600 watts and we will be done with everything to do with power. We need $900 for this. Included in this amount is the metal rails that we will use to fasten it on the roof, plus all the necessary wiring to do this.
Thank you everyone and kindly share this with your friends and family. Consider becoming a regular partner today. Follow our website for more, you can also click on the links of the attached videos below to get to our YouTube channel, to see the much and the little we doing. Help make a change.