Weekly Updates

7th August 2024 – Main Update : Gathaithi OVC, Agape OVC, Messianic Hope OVC and Outreaches…

Messianic Hope OVC : Our Goal – $3000 for the Cement Work, $2000 for a Set of Drums, Musical Instruments, Tables and Chairs for Messianic House of YHWH…

The construction of the Garden Boxes has just been completed this past week. And today, Monday October 7, 2024 we started off with the pedestals for erecting the Watering Tanks. These tanks are purposed to feed the Garden Boxes on irrigation. It’s a replica of what we did at Gathaithi OVC. We have attached a Video of Gathaithi OVC Garden Boxes Project. It’s a very successful endeavor, they are currently not buying any veggies, everything is now homegrown organically in the Garden Boxes. We are aspiring to have the same for Messianic Hope OVC and so intentional on making them self-sufficient. Kindly keep on supporting us on this to its fruition.

Still at Messianic Hope OVC, we are still fundraising for the Cement Work – The construction of the Water Tank pedestals is still in progress and after everything is done, we will have to do the Plumbing Work for Irrigation. We are estimating this at $3000. The amount being inclusive of materials – Sand, Cement, Ballast, the labour and all the logistical costs needed to round up all this. Kindly facilitate us on this. Attached are a few videos previewing the same project. We still have a long way to go and would love to have you on board.

At Messianic House of YWHH, we are looking at getting them a set of drums, some other musical instruments, tables and chairs. We have looked at what they currently have and its sorry to say the least; for the tables and chairs, they don’t have enough. They can do with some extra ones and we are hoping to get them the same. On this, we will need $2000 to settle everything – To channel your contributions on this, kindly go through the various DONATE buttons on the Website. You could probably indicate your target area/project of facilitation and subsequently request for the receipts of the same.

Gathaithi OVC and the Village Outreach: Our Goal – $4000…Inclusive of Electrical Upgrade for the Village Outreach (2 Large Batteries -$1200, Panels – $800) …$2000 for the ongoing Paintwork at Gathaithi…

We are looking at upgrading the Solar at our Village Outreach. We did the first phase which is currently doing good but which needs an Upgrade too. We are looking at doubling up the power in the second and the final phase…on this, we are in need of $2000. The amount is inclusive of two High Voltage Batteries with a ballpark value of $1200 and extra panels for $800. To channel your contributions, kindly go through the Website and find the numerous DONATE buttons. While on it, find the other programs we are onto in our different Orphanages and Outreaches. We are still looking for more steady partners to walk with us on this journey of making a difference in the lives of these young ones.

At Gathaithi OVC, there is still much work to be done. The roof painting is still in progress and there is much to be done on the same. We also did paint the gate and look to doing some paint retouches at a few places. We will need $2000 on this. The amount being inclusive of buying Paint, labour and other logistical costs.

Agape OVC – Uganda: We have completed the construction of the Goat Pen – Oncoming Projects – Electrical Upgrade, Smart TV for Zoom, Internet Connection ($1600)…

At Agape OVC in Uganda. Well, the run is good and we thank all partners who have continued to stand with us through thick and thin; it’s never easy and we are forever grateful to everyone. Your prayers and support go a long way.  

On the same note, we have just recently completed the construction of the Goat Pen. We had a few goats before but we have seen so much potential in this type of Livestock Farming and we are looking to tapping into it. As it is with our original aspiration, we are here to make a difference and make these Orphanages as self-sufficient as possible. Also, just to highlight is that the Poultry Farming is doing exceptionally well.

Our oncoming project here (Agape OVC) is the Solar Upgrade. We did the first phase and it’s running smooth and we are now hoping to do the second and the final phase. This phase will entail some more electrical wiring, purchase of a few more panels and the overall upgrade. Once this upgrade is done, we are looking at getting them a Smart TV, probably a 52” and subsequently having them connected to Wi-Fi. This is largely for Zoom Meetings in which we usually do Bible Teachings and general zoom meetings. Currently we use just a small laptop for the same and it’s a hustle with the number of kids we have.

On this; Electrical Upgrade, Smart TV for Zoom, Internet Connection – we will need $1600 to accomplish. That’s all for now. We are really looking to have this done. Kindly consider becoming a partner today. Kindly go through the Website and follow up with what we are up to in our different Orphanages and Outreaches. You can also donate on the different DONATE buttons spread across the different segments of the Website. You can always reach out for further guidance.

Last but not the least is the call for the daily running of the Orphanages – The Weekly Basic Needs. It’s an area we struggle with daily. To get meals for these kids we desperately need steady and dedicated partners – Kindly consider becoming one today. Join us on this journey – of making a difference.

Thank you and God Bless. Baruch Hashem.

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