Good evening everyone and sorry for the late website general update
We were able to finish building the pedestal for the 10000 litre water tank…
The water tank we had originally been quoted on was a very substandard tank…..
Now looking at getting a Ken tank which is a high-quality tank….
We are seeking $1600…..
And hoping and praying we will get this done this week…..
Had an amazing breakthrough in Uganda…. Information and updates on the great news in Uganda please go to the Uganda section…..
We have wonderful news concerning God’s grace orphanage and that they have not only got new sponsors but they are almost completely self-sufficient….
Baruch Hashem ?
This has enabled us to move deeper into Uganda where we have now started working with our oldest daughter…..
We are happy to announce our latest addition as we have branched out….
Now our main focus of Uganda is our new orphanage….
Agape childrens home Uganda….
Thursday afternoon we will be doing another update for Uganda with all of the work we have already done for these awesome children….
Thank you all so much for your prayers and support and may HASHEM bless you beyond measure.