As we continue to pray for our dear friend and family in California during these terrible wildfires…. Let’s remember… And let’s focus on what was told to us what would happen during these end days according to scripture.
As we have entered into this year, let us be ever mindful of our Creator…. And stop believing that that a President or Earthly king can save us.
The only world leader to be concerned about and trust, is the ONE that is coming to establish an EVERLASTING GOVERNMENT.
366 times in the bible we are commanded not to fear.
All of the things that are happening in our world today are no accident, Hashem is in control and it is His Will that all come to establish Repentance and Salvation.
People need not to panic because it will do nothing for you…Fear is the opposite of Faith.
All of these warning signs given to us in scripture, are NOT there to instill fear…
It is actually the opposite…These warning signs are there to get us excited!!
We are to rejoice that the time is drawing so close that we will live forever in a true Messianic Kingdom and established government.
This time of trial and tribulation is here for a purpose.
It is His Will that none perish. He is handing over peoples and governments to their own will and choices in order to bring them to repentance.
I pray that today’s teaching will help you to get a better understanding of what we as Believers should be doing, thinking and praying.
“In all your ways acknowledge Him;
Then He will Level your paths. “
Mishlei / Proverbs 3:6
If we had our way, some of us would ask Adonai for six months trial period in which we would allow Him to guide Our Lives.
If it does not work out, we can back out, BUT we will NEVER discover the Will of Hashem YHVH until we totally abandoned to the will of ourselves.
There are four statements of scripture explicit to the will of Elohim for all people.
First…”It is God’s Will that you should be sanctified” 1st Thessalonians 4:3.
The context in which Rav Saul/ Paul says this concerns sexual immorality.
We cannot engage in, much less JUSTIFY sexual immorality of any kind if we are going to be in the WILL of ELOHIM.
But remember ADULTERY in the physical sense between a man and a woman is also symbolic of SPIRITUAL adultery!
Second…”Give thanks in all circumstances for this is God’s Will for you in Yeshua Messiah ” 1st Thessalonians 5 verse 18.
All circumstances include both GOOD and BAD, and Express DEPENDENCE on Elohim, THANKING HIM for His PRESENCE and SUFFICIENCY…
Praise Him in the abundance and blessings…
Praise Him in the STORM that teaches us total dependence.
Third…”Submit yourselves for Adonai’s sake to every authority instituted among men…for it is God’s Will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men ” first Kefa/ Peter 2:15.
This is a very clear instruction especially for what is happening in the United States today for Believers…. And clear instruction especially when we are going through this Time of cleansing for the churches.
Our actions speak much more clearly than our words!!
By doing good, EVEN IN THE FACE OF INJUSTICE and FOOLISHNESS…we are FULFILLING the WILL of Elohim our God!
There may be times when we are called to obey G-d rather than men, AND WE MUST be willing to take the consequences governing authorities impose.
This is no different than the time of Daniel with the three Hebrew boys…
ARE WE LEADING by this same example?
They did not riot nor protest…but respectfully declined and declared who governed their lives.
this is how during this great tribulation we will witness to the world!
Forth…”Those who suffer according to God’s will should commit themselves to their faithful creator and continue to do good.” First Kefa/ Peter 4:19.
Suffering is part of life and when we continue to do good in suffering, the outcome is always for the advancement of Elohim’s Purpose!
The reason why many are fearful and panicking is because so many have fallen into this false security of a pre-tribulation rapture as well.
If you have put your entire Bible into the proper context, you will fully understand and grasp what it is we are all called to do as we are called to take up your cross and follow Him.
When living in the will of Elohim, He automatically undertakes to do the guiding.
So many people understand this concept only in that He is supposed to undertake guiding us but always leave out the beginning and that is ” LIVING IN HIS WILL AND NOT OURS !!!”
It is not the green light we have to watch for…… but the RED light!
If we have gone off track, Adonai has a built-in parachute for us.
Yesha’Yahu/ Isaiah 30 :21 says, ” with your ears you will hear a word from behind you;
‘This is the way…. stay on it,
Whether you go to the right or the left.”
Why is the voice behind us?
Because we can live for years in the right place, doing the right thing with no need for conscious confirmation of guidance from Hashem…and falling asleep in our walk!
This is a promise that if we walk or wander off course…Hashem Himself will call us back in a manner that speaks uniquely to each of us, but the principle Remains the Same.
When we acknowledge Adonai in all our ways, His guidance becomes a normal part of life, and we do not need to be seeking it if we are staying in complete obedience and relationship on a PERSONAL LEVEL.
Continue to listen for that STILL QUIET VOICE that will guide you through all trial.
Our Prayer
Heavenly Father help me to acknowledge You in all your ways.
Keep me alert to the red lights and thank you for guiding my life.
In Yeshua Messiah name I pray 🙏
Amein…Baruch Hashem