Weekly Updates

27th Feb 2024: Our Goals and Accomlishments so far…

Good morning everyone…Greetings from Gathaithi OVC – Kenya and Agape OVC – Uganda…

We start with some Good News for Agape OVC; We finally managed to get all the funds to buy the land that the Orphanage is sitting on. We have been renting for long now and buying has been one thing we’ve been aspiring to do. We are now more than relieved that this is now getting done. We still have a few paper work to do with Lawyers and the Land Ministry in Uganda and we will be closing the deal sooner. We will be heading to Uganda from Nairobi at the end of this week to complete the transaction. Thank you so much to all our partners who made this possible.

Here at Gathaithi OVC, so much has been accomplished in these last few weeks. The Boys’ and the Girls’ Washroom are now done. New plumbing, Tiling, and we also replaced the Toilet bowls and the Flush Tanks. Kindly go through the attached videos below that attest to this.

Still at Gathaithi OVC, we have a project with our Donor from Canada to get another Water Source. We had a Borehole that has not been use for years, it is full of silt and we barely have Water therein. So, our donor is now working on restoring it to pump some clean borehole water. It’s a lot of work that will entail removal of borehole pump, installation of pipes for flushing the boreholes, inspection of existing borehole pump, re-installation of pump, system testing and Monitoring and so much more.

After our Donor is done doing this, we will now be doing another different piping for this new water source. We have estimated the budget at $2400. It could be more. This is inclusive of digging out the trenches, purchasing of cables and installation of power for the pump. Labour costs is also inclusive of this. We are calling upon you to help us do this. We can’t rely on the Town Council Water; it’s so unreliable and inconveniencing. Like we haven’t been having water for the last three weeks or so and had to truck in water, we have attached the videos below.

Lastly is our desperate call to get more partners on our Weekly Basic Needs. We always run on a budget of $1400 every week. This is for all Orphanages and Outreaches. We really need steady partners on this to fill this gap. Thank you everyone and God Bless.

Baruch Hashem.

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