For the last month I have been doing a lot of prayer meditation and reflection on the last 3 years.
Rabbi Greg Hershenberg almost every service begs the question of people….. ” Are you sure your born again ? ” So many people allowing fear to control them.
Its Interesting how something that seems so annoying as a lockdown over the last couple of years, was actually a blessing in disguise.
It gave us time for reflection and prayer, seeking direction from Hashem……Not relying on our own Understanding but that of our Heavenly Father…… Especially now when it comes to understanding the cycles of violence such as this war in Ukraine, and now the attacks on Israel 🇮🇱 coming out of Syria 🇸🇾
There have been many deep revelations given to me this week. So with that being said enjoy the teaching.
” For the spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, and self discipline.”
2nd Timothy 1 verse 7
When we read Rav Saul’s Apostle Paul’s letter to Timothy, some of us may think that it is not to different from Paul’s 1st letter to Timothy.
While 1st Timothy was written to encourage Timothy to remain in the city of Ephesus and address the false teachers and teachings that are pervasive with in the Ephesian congregation,….. the context and focus of 2nd Timothy shifts as Paul was nearing the end of his life.
Paul’s 2nd letter to Timothy was written 5 years after the 1st, about 67AD, when Paul was held in a dungeon in Rome under emperor Nero ; the Spirit revealed to him that this was the end of the road for his ministry and his life. Something most believers don’t relate to in this day and age,… is what it means take up your torture stake, and do not try and save this life and lose eternal life.
When we think of coming to the end of our life and writing a letter to a family member, some of our most important words would be reserved for those moments.
Rav Saul Paul was like a father to Timothy and, as a father would exhort his son, It is interesting that Paul’s final words to Timothy were not ” Run for the hills ! I want to make sure you are safe, Timothy….. I want to make sure you are comfortable.” Instead Paul tells Timothy, “…. DO NOT BE ASHAMED of the testimony about our Adonai or of me his prisoner……. RATHER JOIN WITH ME IN SUFFERING FOR THE GOSPEL, by the power of God ” 2nd Timothy 1 verse 8.
Paul told Timothy to stand firm in his faith and join Paul in suffering for the gospel.
Despite the circumstances that Paul was in, he reminded Timothy, “For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid…….BUT GIVES US POWER….. ” 2nd Timothy 1 verse 7.
Paul was telling Timothy not to be afraid because Hashem did not give us a spirit of fear.
The Greek word….. and for those sacred name and Hebrew roots YES THE NEW TESTAMENT was written in Greek especially all the writings of Paul……
The Greek word that Paul used for fear is “deilia,” which is a powerful word in the Greek. It literally means ” Fear ,cowardice ,worried about yourself over and above your faith.” This word is often used in other parts of scripture with reference to unbelievers !!
Could this be why we are commanded over 360 times NOT to have a spirit of fear in scripture ?
And if you truly understand fear to be a spirit, what do we make of all the fear that was surrounding the pandemic ,and worried about what governments were doing, trying to figure out who the Anti-Christ or Anti-messiah is ……
Even saying the vaccine was the market the beast.
Fear is a spirit that comes from a spirit but the wrong spirit it comes from the adversary only !
The only passages that describe the Anti-messiah are in 1st and 2nd John And they do not and I repeat do not describe a literal physical being as much as a spirit demonic entity….. Have we forgotten about demon possession of people ?
Demons have no power if you are truly born again and are covered under and through the blood of our Messiah.
The problem here is people think demon possession looks like something you see in a movie….. Unless the spirit is invited… It has no power in a born again believer…… But when you have a spirit of fear then you have no faith and you are allowing the devil of foothold.
Why do people not get that the spirit of fear is being demonic?
Paul is reminding Timothy that fear about what is happening in the world is not from G-d because the spirit of G-d does not give us a spirit of fear !!!
The Greek word Paul used for power is dynamis, Which is where we get the word ” DYNAMITE ” from.
In other words, Paul is saying that G-d has given timoci miraculous power and ability to face the on coming persecution.
Like Timothy, We are given a Spirit of DYNAMITE IN THE MIDST OF FEAR !
BUT ONLY if we are obedient and refuse to let fear enter our temple !
As the Psalmist says, ” Adonai Is my light and my salvation…… Whom shall I fear ?”
Our prayer
Heavenly Father
Thank You that the spirit gives me power and I do not have to fear, even when I face persecution. Help me to live boldly for a You !!