Weekly Updates

Good afternoon from here in Nairobi Kenya…..

We apologize for the late updates on our website here…. We have been incredibly busy…… Both in Uganda and here in Kenya…..

We had to do a upgrade to the solar system power at Gathanithi Orphanage Nairobi….
Which is now been accomplished and we’re so grateful….

In Uganda we have now got all of the steel bunk bed frames mattresses….
Even mosquito nets….
We had a issue with malaria in Uganda and also at the village outreach but this has been also dealt with and we are so grateful to God….

Also we are well underway with the gardening in Uganda Agape childrens….

We were able to get three truckloads of manure delivered….
The children did a lot of work cleaning the Old vegetation…..
Pulling up all the weeds digging up the ground to loosen up and add fertilizer…..
We have started the nursery crops ….in 2 weeks the seedlings will be ready for transplanting and vegetables will be growing…..

We are really struggling each week getting basic needs food and other supplies for daily life for the children Both orphanages and our village outreach …. We need a minimum of $1100 each week and we’re not having enough people committed to monthly or weekly giving.

Please consider partnering with whatever you can afford monthly… both the donation Applications in this website have an option that you can set up automatic withdrawal
Please pray and ask God for guidance but we definitely need more committed partners…

But we now have an URGENT REQUEST….
We have a fairly large project to do at Agape children’s home …..
They have no electricity and it is dangerous at night when the children have to walk outside to use the washroom toilet….
A candle is not enough to be able to see if a black mamba snake is coming near you…..
This is just one example of why we need electricity and lights….

We want to put solar power also because eventually we want to get a deep freezer for a food storage as we are growing our own food now…..

Already received $550 towards the 2650 dollars needed…..
We are fundraising for $2100….. desperately-needed…. Not only for snakes but malaria mosquitoes as well….

We are asking you to share with your friends family congregation members study groups anyone who would be interested in helping 100% of your money is going towards buying equipment nothing is asked for labour…..

We want to take this opportunity to thank you for your prayers commitment and support we are so grateful… God is so amazing he puts the right people together….

We thank you for praying for us and we continue to pray for all of you much love from our family here in Nairobi Kenya

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