

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”][et_pb_row _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”][et_pb_column _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default” type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default” hover_enabled=”0″ sticky_enabled=”0″ custom_padding=”0px|||||” custom_margin=”-50px|||||”]Good morning Boker Tov from Kenya.

This morning I’m going to bring to our attention an important issue…
Many Christians believe that when they pray a Salvation prayer it is finished and done.
Do you actually realize that prayer is an oath you have taken?
Do you realize the seriousness of an oath before God?

Today we will discuss what many and most pastors never address in their congregations.
Enjoy the teaching


” Again, you have heard that our fathers were told, DO NOT BREAK YOUR OATH, ‘ and ‘ KEEP YOUR VOWS TO ADONAI. ‘ But I tell you not to swear at all…. not by heaven, because it is God’s throne. Not by the Earth, because it is his footstool…. and not by Yerushalayim, because it is the city of the Great King “.
Mattiyahu/ Mathew 5:33-35

This week’s Torah portion reflects this study of an oath.
Taking on an oath is swearing by something bigger than ourselves to convince our listeners we are telling the truth. But Yeshua says, ā€˜DO NOT SWEAR At All. ‘

Some people have used this as a Prohibition on taking oath in a courtroom or taking an oath of Allegiance or putting your hand on the Bible when you make a statement. It is doubtful this was Yeshua’s intention, because swearing an oath is not wrong. After Avraham had been willing to offer his son as a sacrifice, Hebrews 6:17 tells us, ” Because God wanted to make the unchanging nature of His purpose very clear to the heirs of what was promised, He confirmed it with an oath.” B’RSHEET / GENESIS 22:16 says, ” I swear by myself, declares Adonai…… ”

Hashem swore by Himself because there was nothing greater for Him to swear by. But the Jews did not swear by Hashem because they did not pronounce or write the name of God…. so, they swore by lesser things. In Mattiyahu/ Matthew 23, Yeshua rebuke the Pharisees for swearing by the gold on the temple, because this implied the gold is greater than the temple that makes the gold sacred, or swearing by the gift on the altar, implying the gift is greater than the altar that makes the gift sacred.
In other words, what kind of collateral is this? What value does this give your word?

It is not that swearing an oath is invalid! It may be necessary in a court of law or taking an official position, but in the first century it was common practice and people would question whether or not they were hearing the truth if said without an oath. The point Yeshua is making is that if we are true, taking an oath should not be necessary. He said, ” simply let your yes be yes and your no, no ” Mattiyahu/ Mathew 5:37.
Today, we hear people say, ” cross my heart and hope to die ” or ” swear to God ” or ” I swear on the Bible ” which suggests, ” you have to believe me. I’m telling the truth.”

The alternative…….because we are of a fallen nature…. Yeshua puts forth is not to swear at all. Remember if you are a true follower than you stand on truth and the truth is in you. This is the fruit of the Holy Spirit Ruach HaQuodesh within us. We need to be believed because we speak the truth…. period! Feeling a need to swear an oath in order to be believed is a symptom of dishonesty. It speaks of character; it derives from our innermost being. If we are true and Truth Reigns in our hearts, then we need not persuade anyone we are telling the truth!

Here is something to reflect on for the week:
Are we more convinced of the truth because a person is swearing an oath?
And if we are how does this reflect on how we actually see this person?

As we look around us during these times of uncertainty, reflect on these words and questions.

Our Prayer
Heavenly Father I want to be believed simply for what I say. Help me to remain truthful all the time…. correct me Guide me and discipline me in all your ways.

Thank You Adonai Amein

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