Uganda Updates, Weekly Updates, Weekly Updates

Today’s update and goals for this week….

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default”][et_pb_row _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default” custom_margin=”-41px|auto||auto||”][et_pb_column _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default” type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”4.9.10″ _module_preset=”default” hover_enabled=”0″ sticky_enabled=”0″]Basic needs for orphanages and outreach $850

2 triple Decker bunk bed frames 5 ft wide by 6 ft long
$420 each…. Total $840.

And 2 smaller mattresses 42″ wide $100 each total $250

Miriam the house mum and children at God’s Grace for Hope OVC Uganda….
ā€œWhat a blessed changeā€¦we are so grateful ? may Hashem bless you, protect you and guide your every decision…. as we continue to work and move forward building His Kingdom…ā€

We are getting so close to changing all aspects of this orphanage….
We can’t be more grateful…
Thank You Adonai for these beautiful friends, family, and partners.
Baruch Hashem Shalom ??ā¤ļø?

A lot of hard work this week but the gardening is finished and vegetables are planted at God’s Grace for Hope OVC in Uganda.
We are so thankful for our faithful Brothers and missionaries who selflessly gave up their time to go to Uganda and help build this future for these children.

We are working at this one week at a time but we are making great milestones.

Can you to keep us in your prayers we definitely need more financial partnersā€¦we are changing lives…. and building futures for Eastern Africa….
Soon these children will be learning about the Israelite roots of their faith ….
We are praying for these restrictions to lift on the borders for I am looking forward to visiting personally….
But it is very difficult if you are a non-resident of Uganda right now especially coming from North America.

We are so grateful that we have wonderful missionaries like Moses and his brother able to cross the borders and get the work done.

Please consider becoming a partner today…
Helping to change marginalized people’s lives will change your life in a miraculous and a drastic way that you would not believe….

Messianic Ministry and Mission Africa

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