13th November Update: The Kitchen Chimney Work is now in progress at Gathaithi OVC…Mega Water Tank project Oncoming…
Good morning everyone, Greetings from Gathaithi OVC here in Kenya…
Here is a brief update on the current project that we are working on to see it to fruition here at Gathaithi OVC. We are working to restore the Kitchen Chimneys, the old ones are now worn out and the cooking here in the recent days has been nothing but trouble. The smoke from the Kitchen through the chimneys have worn out the pipes, it’s totally unavoidable and we are now trying out something more enduring.
We are now getting an 8” (inch) gauge 40’ pipes to have a structure that is made to last – durable and reliable. As it’s now, we have shifted everything to do with the kitchen to get this done as soon as possible. We are kindly asking for your help to have this project accomplished, we are still in a dire need of $2960 to see us through this. We will greatly appreciate if we can get more partners to contribute to this project. The smoke coming from the kitchen was disturbing; we had to something, and not just restoration but a new design and build. We will be updating more on the progress of this project.
More so, we are looking to build a Mega Water Tank for this Orphanage. We are in the heavy raining season and the water reservoirs and tanks here are just not enough. On this, we are planning to build an 8 gallon heavy square tank to see to this need. Its another project that we will need more partners to come on board and help us in accomplishing.
Last but not the least is a call for more partners on the daily running of our Orphanages. Getting basic needs is always an uphill task, week after week. Kindly consider becoming a regular partner to keep us up and running smoothly.
To send in your support, visit our website, there are numerous DONATE buttons to channel your help. Or, you can always reach out for help in doing the same.
Thank you and God bless…