Weekly Updates

14th June 2023 Gathaithi OVC Update: The ceiling is coming up nicely…

Hello everyone, a quick update on our current project at Gathaithi OVC…

The dry wall ceiling project is coming up very well. They are still working on the top wooden frames and the strappings to fit in the gypsum boards as you can see in the attached videos. Click on the videos to see even more of the same on our Channel.

We have got most of the funds to do the frames and the strappings but we will still need another $1500 to wrap this up. This amount is inclusive of the dry wall mix, (the mud), the trim-board work, the sanding and eventually the painting to wrap up everything. Of course the labour is also on the quotation.

Another project we are looking at is to get extra panels – 600 watts, two sets of solar rails, like the ones attached in one video below this update. We will need two sets of the same to fit even the panels that are already up in the roof, for they have never been properly and permanently fitted. On this, we need an extra $1000 to have this done.

We are grateful for everyone, who in every little or big way come through to fund our projects at our different Orphanages; and those who in one way or another make sure we are having all of our basic needs. We can never be more grateful. God bless you.

Kindly consider becoming part of the change in the lives of these little ones.

Visit our website and YouTube channel to get more of our past, current and oncoming projects…welcome your family and friends to be part of this, we will be so grateful.

Thank you everyone and God bless you.

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