Uganda Updates

A quick update on our progress at God’s Grace For Hope OVC- Bugiri, Uganda.

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Good morning everyone we have a request….
Today they are loading two of the 10 bed frames badly needed for God’s grace orphanage in Uganda.
Our request is for more partners, we are desperately needing financial partners.
We are making a Huge impact in Eastern Africa with just a handful of people, and we can do so much more as this mission field is expanding.
We are hitting a dead end because we don’t have enough resources.
We are a 100% ministry that means 100% of your money is going directly to the need and not to our pockets….
We are going to put our website address at the bottom of this write-up please go to our website and please donate today.
We are people with our feet on the ground here in Eastern Africa because so many people have lost faith with so many organisations saying they’re helping when so much of the money is going into pockets of people who are working as administrators so much money is being wasted.
If you are one of these people who would love to help but are tired of these organisations wasting money that could be going to feeding and building new futures then please go through all of this website and see what we are doing.

Update for this morning….

So as it stands we are desperately needing to get the rest of basic needs $650 and we desperately need to get the backrent payment $200 today for the landlord of God’s grace orphanage Uganda

Credibility is everything and we are ministering as this landlord is a Muslim but he is being ministered to by Brian and myself I have been sharing teachings to this dear man and his mother who was in the hospital.

It is amazing how Hashem works many Muslims in Uganda are coming to know Messiah mostly in dreams and they’re reaching out to people like us.

I have sent bibles as well and the landlord and his mother are going to receive their first bibles this Thursday when they pick up the rent….
So right now it’s extremely urgent that we get the backrent payment by tomorrow please pray and share this need.

Also this week we have set the goal for two more bedframes same as last week…… $640…..

Next week we are back to Gathaithi Orphanage in Nairobi Kenya ??
Thank you so much for your Unconditional Love, prayers and support ? ā¤
Baruch Hashem

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