It’s Back to School at Gathaithi OVC Our Projection for School Fees: 1800 CD
Good evening everyone, first and foremost is to send our hearts out to all our partners
who in every little way are changing lives in a big way. To every one of you, our immeasurable
gratitude – from us to you.
As some of you could be aware of, schools in Kenya are now re-opening, from Primary Schools, High Schools
and all the way to the University. They are now starting off their first term – The Covid 19 disrupted the
school calendar, and it’s at this time of the year now that pupils and students are being promoted to the next class.
Having said this, we are really in need of getting most of them school fees, especially those in the Primary and Secondary
Earlier this year, we did a little fundaraising to help in offsetting the school fees – especially for those in Secondary
and University. This did not yield that much, but it went a long way to keep the Children in school.
Kindly check on our Website for more information
As for now, we are looking to get them back in class. There’s so much work to be done here in regards to schools fees.
We are projecting this at 1800 CD to get these kids back in class for their first term. It’s a very crucial term as we have afore said –
they are being promoted to the next class.
We desperately need more partners to help us on this; you can consider becoming a regular donor or a specific sponsor for
one particular student. It will make things a whole lot easier.
We still holding on to our original aspiration – changing lives, one step at a time.
Baruch Hashem.