Missions Update: Our Current priorities – Electrical Upgrade and the Vocational Training Centre at Gathaithi OVC…
Good morning everyone, here’s an update on the progress for the Vocational Training Centre at Gathaithi OVC…We are coming up..! Everything is taking shape, as you can all see in the attached videos below…Thank you to all of our partners who have a strong faith in this…We are coming full circle..!
We however need to do some few touches here and there, some electrical upgrades and some more tools. We are on the final phase of the Electrical Upgrade at the Vocational School. We had to do this in phases for we could not get all the funds at once, we even had to get some electrical supplies on credit. We still need $1000 to help us do a complete make over for the Electrical Work. With the Vocational Class, it was undisputed that we had to do some Electrical Upgrade. This was also suggested by the County Health Department, they just did the Routine Inspection today.
Moving on, we now have a number of tools but we still need to get more. We are appealing to all our partners to help us raise $500 to get more tools. We should be able to start soon but not without your hand on this.
As you are all aware, our focus and original aspiration is to make these Orphanages self-sufficient. This Vocational School will help us do exactly that. The idea is to teach these kids how to fish and not the regular spoon feeding. With the right skills, these children can do more. As it is, a number of children in this community just get the Basic primary education and get nothing more beyond the formal schooling – we are looking to change that with the different trades we will be teaching hereā¦from Masonry, Carpentry, Electrical, Plumbing and so much more, we are looking to equip these kids with the right skills. With the marketable technical skills we will be teaching here, the future can never be brighter.
The kids can even venture out on their own in future with their respective courses from the Vocational School and make a living for themselves.
Also, when we equip these kids, we can start using the skills here and generate some income which will be channeled in the tedious running of the Orphanage, for the basic needs, school fees and other necessities.
We are aspiring to make these Vocational Classes as diversifying as possible. Join our hands on this ā
Kindly go through our websites and catch up with what we have been up toā¦To our new partners, you can always find an area of interest where you might want to be a part of, we still struggle a lot with basic needs and need more partners who can commit $20 weekly to meet the same. You can always channel your contributions on the different Donate buttons on the website or reach out to us for any help.
Baruch Hashem.