

Good morning from Kenya east Africa, and may you have a blessed and peaceful week.

I waited until after the Sabbath day, and I woke up this morning as we all greeted each other in our family worshiping and praising, and blessing each other with Peace / Shalom.

And there it was like a ton of bricks, do we really understand the meaning of Shalom?

Enjoy today’s revelation of Truth


” So, since we have become to be considered righteous by God because of our trust / faith, mouthparts continue to have Shalom with God through our Lord, Yeshua the Messiah. “
Romans 5 verse 1 CJB

What does it mean for us to have “Shalom / Peace with Hashem “?
The Bible speaks of two kinds of peace in relation to Hashem.
The first is a subjective peace, which is the type of Peace talked about in Philippians 4 Verse 7 ; ” then God’s Shalom, passing all understanding, will keep your hearts and minds safe in union with the Messiah Yeshua”.
It is a personal inner peace and a sense of Tranquility of heart.
The second is ” Peace with Hashem YHVH God ” as an objective peace, which is what the opening verse of this teaching points to.
This type of Peace has nothing to do with how we may feel, but everything to do with our position and standing before Hashem.

We are polarized, Adonai in His holinessā€¦ā€¦ and us in our wickedness and godlessness.
Ever Since the fall, there has been a wrath between Hashem and human beings.
Rav Saul / Paul writes about this hostility between G-d and us in the beginning of his letter to the Romans, ” what is revealed is God’s anger from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people who in their wickedness keep suppressing the truth, ” Romans 1:18.
Our godlessness and wickedness brings upon G-ds wrath, which ” will take place on the day when God judges people’s secrets through Yeshua Messiahā€¦..” Romans 2:16 .

Rav Saul / Paul writes, ” ā€¦ā€¦ we were God’s enemiesā€¦.” Romans 5:10.
We will notice that Paul put this in the past tense, because there was an enmity between G-d and human beings.
We were all once enemies of Hashem.
But in the present tense, Paul writes, ” ā€¦.. we have peace / Shalom with Godā€¦.” Romans 5:1.
So what does that mean ?
There has been a transition from our standing as enemies of Hashem to being at peace with Him.

As a look at all of these dime-store theologian and sacred name Preachers one thing is very clear to meā€¦..
Instilling fear and doubt in the one thing that is made very clear in scripture is definitely false teaching.

This piece is made possible through ,and only through, Yeshua Hamashiach Adonai / L-RD Jesus Christ!!!!!
No matter what language you speak there is only salvation, and there is only peace, because there is only one way to the Father, no matter how you slice it.
He took our sin and the wrath that Hashem should have wore upon us and we so rightly deserve to the Starous / Cross torture stake !
Through His death and Resurrection, we no longer stand as enemies of G-d.
Yeshua is the reason why we can rejoice that there is no longer a hostility between G-d and us.
Rav Saul / Paul says, ” and not only that, but we also rejoice in God through our Adonai Yeshua Hamashiach, through whom we have now received the reconciliation “.

Are we enjoying peace with G-d ? Despite what we see happening around us right now, ā€¦ā€¦ are we trusting enough the Promise which gives us peace ?
Despite what we know about ourselves, ā€¦ā€¦do we truly believe we can get up in the morning and know that our conscience is clear because we have come to the cross ?
Know this for a fact, the true message of Passover, is the blood on our door post.
Especially during this important time of getting the leaven out of our life, the sin out of our life, and truly turn and repent / Teshuvah,ā€¦ā€¦ we are reconciled to Hashem through Yeshua Hamashiachā€¦ā€¦ and for this, WE CAN REJOICE IN BEING AT PEACE / SHALOM WITH GOD YHVH ? ? ā¤!!!!!!

Our Prayer Heavenly Father
Thank You for what Your Son did dying on the cross to take away the hostility between G-d and humanity .
I rejoice in the Peace that I have with You.
Baruch Hashem, thank You Adonai Amein

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