Weekly Updates

19th June 2023: The Ceiling and the electrical upgrade project – Gathaithi OVC, Kenya

Greetings from Gathaithi Orphanage in Kenya, a brief update just to keep you abreast with the ongoing project here ā€“ the Ceiling and the electrical upgrade project.

Good news is the going is good with these projects. We just received the drywall boards/Gypsum boards and we now have all the materials, set and ready to the fittingsā€¦we are looking to be done latest on Friday this week. Thanks again everyone who in every way came through to see that we are accomplishing this. We can never be more grateful.

As for the electrical upgrade that we have been highlighting in our previous updates, we finally raised the amount and we got the extra solar panels this morning, we also got the panel rails/solar tracks and all the other accessories we needed to complete the same.  Attached on this write up are videos of the same. We are very happy. God bless you so much.

We will now be having a completely new look over here; we are re-doing the walkways lighting and some rooms that needed re-wiring and new lights.

Once we are done with fitting the dry walls, we will need $1550 to do the taping, plastering, ceiling boards and paint. We will be needing this once we are done fitting the gypsum boards. Kindly you can channel your support on the Donation buttons on this Website, help us do this, one more time. We cannot do this without your support.

As for now, we will be handling the much work on our plate, and hope to complete on Friday.

 We will also be having an update from our Orphanage in Uganda ā€“ Agape OVC tomorrow, Kindly check on this website at the Ugandan section for the same.

Thank you and God bless you.

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