Uganda Updates, Weekly Updates

7th August Update: We have successfully paid off the School Fees for Elementary (Primary) and Secondary School…Our NEXT GOAL -$16000 for buying the larger neighboring land in Uganda, $3000 for equipping the new Vocational Classroom at Gathaithi OVC, $700 for redoing the Kitchen Floor at Gathaithi OVC…

Hello everyone, here is an update on the progress of our Orphanages and Outreaches, to keep you abreast with what we are up to, our current and pending projects and future aspirations.

First is to let you know that we have completed paying off the School fees for both the Elementary (Primary Level) and High School (Secondary Level). We are so grateful to every partner that in one way or another made this possible.

We are also elated to let you know that we are now partnering with Messianic Hope Children’s Home- Gilgil. This is affiliated with Beth Yeshua International. There are a few projects we will be partnering with the aforementioned but for now we are starting off with the supply of Basic Needs. The geographical area that the Orphanage sits on is semi-arid. They can hardly grow anything, we will be focusing on keeping them steady with Weekly supplies of fruits, veggies, cereals and any other necessities as we chart the way forward. We will be updating you more on the same.

We are looking at buying the larger plot of land in Uganda, neighboring the one that the Orphanage (Agape OVC) is currently sitting on. We are currently renting the same land but we are in the process of getting the owner to sell the piece to us; and he is willing to. On this, we are fundraising to get $16000 to enable us do this.

At Gathaithi OVC, we are looking at redoing the Kitchen floor. The floor of the Kitchen Floor is in a terrible condition and we have been having concerns from the County Health Department. It’s an area that need urgency. On this, we need $700 to accomplish.

Also, at Gathaithi OVC, we are still fundraising for $3000 for equipping the new vocational classrooms. This amount is for the initial equipping, we will be looking at getting more on the same. Kindly help us achieve this.

Last but not the least is our Membership drive, we are looking for more partners. As we have noted earlier, we have had a few dedicated partners side stepping and this is not easy for us especially with the daily running of the Orphanages and Outreaches. We are in dire need of more members to help us with basic needs. We ran on $1400 budget each week. It’s the best we can do; with more dedicated members to contribute on this, the daily running will be easy for us. Kindly consider joining us today; help us in making a change and contributing to the future of these vulnerable children.

Thank you and God Bless. Baruch Hashem.

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