Uganda Updates


Once again, we want to begin by thanking everyone who made it possible for us to build the Chicken Coup at Agape OVC in Uganda and start off with the Chicken rearing project as we had all envisioned from the beginning of the project. Baruch Hashem.

As it is our goal and aspirations with these Orphanages, we want to make them self-sufficient ā€“ Doing projects like these (Chicken Rearing) will help achieve exactly thatā€¦to help with the supply of meat and eggs and eventually cut down on the daily needsā€™ expenditure.

Also helping them to plant vegetables and fruit trees as attached in the videos below.

But even though we have some supplies that we are growing ourselves there is still many things we need to add to the weekly basic needs for these children….

For this week Tuesday morning we are still short and needing $492 for both orphanages and our Village Outreachā€¦

Still at Agape OVC, we still need to finish up with the Lighting, Security lights installations and will also need to light up our new structure ā€“ The Chicken Coupā€¦We need $260 to help complete this.

We also need $1500 for the Second Term School Fees that will be starting on 8th May this coming monthā€¦On this, we will update you on our subsequent updates

We are calling you on thisā€¦PLEASE HELP USā€¦

You can go to a website

Some people have been telling me there might be a problem with the stripe account accepting their Email, if you’re having problems, please let me know.

Otherwise, you can also just go directly to our PayPal….

Ā Thank you so much for your kind contributions and constant prayersā€¦

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