Weekly Updates

Our NEEDS this Week…

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Good afternoon from our family here in Kenya.
Here is a quick update of all the projects we have been able to round up this past week. We know that this will not have been possible without your immeasurable support and for this, we are forever grateful. To all our partners in the field, may blessings always come your way.
The progress at Gathaithi OVC is notable; the kids and the caregivers can never be more grateful. They too send their hearts out to all who have contributed in every little way to make this possible. Any little you give goes a long way.

We too finally made it, and delivered mattresses to God’s Grace For Hope in Bugiri, Uganda. The kids have been sleeping on the cold floor and the plight was unimaginable, we had to work on that, and fast. We thank all of you who made this a success.
Now, on this past week winded up projects; the sidewalks and the window panes are completely done, and we are having a whole new look over there as you can see in the attached videos herein.
Moving forward to this coming week needs as noted in our last week update, we really need to do the Girlsā€™ beds. We need to begin with the bed frames, for this we need to add three new double decker bed frames This will cost us a total of 820 CD.
Once this is done, our next need is a desperately needed commercial freezer. This will save us a lot of money on food as we will be able to buy food in bulk; for this we are needing a total 550CD, that is inclusive of the delivery.
We are really hoping that we can get these projects off the ground this week, so we can divert our attention to other projects.
To sum up all our basic needs this week in a prioritized order;
i. Basic Needs to all Orphanages (OVCā€™s) and the Village Outreach ā€“ Nema Mercy Centre, Gathaithi Orphanage, Godā€™s Grace for Hope, Bugiri ā€“ Uganda and the Village Outreach, Nakuru ā€“ Kenya. This will cost us a total of 750CD
ii. Double decker Bed frames for Gathaithi OVC Girls Dormitory ā€“ This will cost us a total of 820 CD
iii. Commercial Deep Freezer for Gathaithi OVC ā€“ This will cost us a total of 550 CD, inclusive of the delivery.
iv. Solar Panels for Godā€™s Grace for Hope, Bugiri Uganda ā€“ This will cost us a total of 1200CD
We depend on all of you our partners to make this possible.
Baruch hashem.

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